Was ist Anarchismus?

Was ist Anarchismus? Anarchismus ist eine breitgefächerte – aber sich ergänzende – Sammlung an politischen Ideologien. Das Ziel is die Erschaffung einer staatenlosen Gesellschaft, in der alle Individuen frei von willkürlicher Autorität, Hierachie und Unterdrückung sind. Da unsere aktuelle Gesellschaftsordnung auf Hierachie basiert – der eingetrichterte Glaube, dass einige Menschen mehr Macht als andere haben sollten – denken wir, dass dieses unterdrückende Machtsystem beendet werden muss. Audible Anarchist ist ein Kollektiv aus freiwilligen Menschen weltweit, die anarchistische Ideen durch Audio-Aufnahmen teilen wollen. Seien es nun Aufnahmen von Büchern oder Essays, Podcasts oder einfach durch Zusammenarbeit. Abonniert unseren Kanal und entdeckt unsere Vielzahl an Ressourcen. Bei Fragen, Kommentaren oder wenn ihr helfen wollt, schreibt uns eine E-Mail an audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com

The german version of anarchist federation (all their news sources are linked under “kollektive”

There is an german section on crimethinc (news and zines)

Graswurzelrevolution is an anarchist newspaper since 1972 and still going strong, they support a lot of people and kollektives

German version of no trace with guides

German kollektive with some zines and articles, based in berlin I think

Anarchist news and opinion pieces website

German version of the anarchist library

another german anarchist news website

austrian/german news and opinion piece website

socialist/anarchist/left news website with a looooot of connections to movements

socialist/left institute, not directly anarchist but a good source for a lot of stuff

there are a few left/left-leaning news websites and publications
they are not anarchist per se but a good news source (when you dismiss the annoying communist stuff sometimes posted)


Ahoj and the next round:
There aren`t that many german anarchists podcasts, but some. 😀

Anarchie & Cello from vienna (austria)

Dissens is like a leftist podcast, not really anarchist and more broadly socialist

Fabien Lehr is a historian and communist, but he dabbles sometimes torwards anarchism. Most topics are critique and more socialist, so it`s ok.

Geschichten der kommenden Welten is a leftist podcast about almost anything. The talk about historic events and people from all the left-spectrum

linketheorie – der podcast is another leftist podcast, more of a capitalism critique thing

Nächste Links ist a anarcho-communism podcast

Rosalux History is a leftist history podcast from the rosa-luxemburg-institute

a completely anarchist podcast from the ruhrpott-region is Übertage
they are quite active in the scene

ZORA Podcast – Frauenrevolution auf die Ohren!
Is a feminist and anticapitalist podcast about women in the revolution

there is an official http://anarchismus.de podcast

Affinity, by Alfredo M Bonanno


For questions, comments or to get involved, send us an e-mail at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com Text can be found at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/libra…

Alfredo Maria Bonanno (4 March 1937 – 6 December 2023) was an Italian anarchist, recognized as a prominent theorist and proponent of contemporary insurrectionary anarchism. A long-time anarchist, he was imprisoned multiple times. Bonanno was an editor of Anarchismo Editions, among many other publications, only some of which have been translated into English. He was involved in the anarchist movement for over four decades. Bonanno died on 6 December 2023, at the age of 86.

Between Peasants, a Dialogue on Anarchy by Errico Malatesta


For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com

Fra Contadini is a dialogue between two peasants who discuss the nature of life and Anarchy. Written by Errico Malatesta in 1884.

This translation was produced by Elephant Editions and can be read at https://theanarchistlibrary.org/libra…

Bert, Read by Melissa Minkoff George read by Gabriel Privett, representing The Rebels of the Sacred Earth https://fallguy5665.wixsite.com/prole…

The Right to be Greedy, by For Ourselves – Appendix


For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com


“The only reason to read this book, as its authors would be the first to agree, is for what you can get out of it” 80s reissue preface An earnest attempt to create a marxist egoism, this text was largely ignored until anarchists started sharing it in the 1980s.

The Right to be Greedy, by For Ourselves – Revolution


For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com


“The only reason to read this book, as its authors would be the first to agree, is for what you can get out of it” 80s reissue preface An earnest attempt to create a marxist egoism, this text was largely ignored until anarchists started sharing it in the 1980s.

The Right to be Greedy, by For Ourselves – Morality


For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com


“The only reason to read this book, as its authors would be the first to agree, is for what you can get out of it” 80s reissue preface An earnest attempt to create a marxist egoism, this text was largely ignored until anarchists started sharing it in the 1980s.

The Right to be Greedy, by For Ourselves – Authority


For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com


“The only reason to read this book, as its authors would be the first to agree, is for what you can get out of it” 80s reissue preface An earnest attempt to create a marxist egoism, this text was largely ignored until anarchists started sharing it in the 1980s.

The Right to be Greedy, by For Ourselves – Pleasure


For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com


“The only reason to read this book, as its authors would be the first to agree, is for what you can get out of it” 80s reissue preface An earnest attempt to create a marxist egoism, this text was largely ignored until anarchists started sharing it in the 1980s.

The Right to be Greedy, by For Ourselves – Radical Subjectivity


For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com


“The only reason to read this book, as its authors would be the first to agree, is for what you can get out of it” 80s reissue preface An earnest attempt to create a marxist egoism, this text was largely ignored until anarchists started sharing it in the 1980s.

The Right to be Greedy, by For Ourselves – Communist Society


For questions, comments or to get involved, e-mail us at audibleanarchist(at)gmail.com


“The only reason to read this book, as its authors would be the first to agree, is for what you can get out of it” 80s reissue preface An earnest attempt to create a marxist egoism, this text was largely ignored until anarchists started sharing it in the 1980s.