Contact & FAQs


Am I allowed to us part of your audio for ____?

Yes, we release our recordings for use and re-use by the public. We would appreciate crediting with a link to one of our platforms preferably youtube or podcast feed, see below.

How to get in touch

For questions, feedback offers of support etc. It’s better to use the email this is the main e-mail used by the group and it is monitored more often and is more active.

Why did you record X when X is bad/Y is better?

Audible Anarchist’s goal is to support education for Anarchists and fellow travellers and raise awareness of Anarchist views and ideas and accomplishments amongst the wider public. We’re open to any and all texts that support those aims. Publication of a reading is not an endorsement or judgement on the work and its author(s) merits beyond these two aims. If a text was recorded it means that some volunteers felt it furthered these aims.

Though there’s often more points of view on most subjects. If you think another text is superior or a useful addition or rebuttal to a text we have done, feel free to suggest it and we’d be happy to add to the list. Or if you have the time and are willing we’d be happy to work with you on recording it.

When’s the next instalment coming out?

Well, we don’t know. We’re a group of unpaid volunteers working in our spare time, things can get in the way. We’re trying to move away from having multiple lengthy works start uploading until all or most of the text has been recorded, but that can also cause inactivity. More hands make light work.

Why is the audio bad?

We work with what we have. Our aim isn’t perfection its usability. We do edit and process audio to clean up raw files and have rejected some for being unusable. But a lot depends on the initial recording.

How can I get involved?

First step, decide what you’d like to do. We’re always happy to have support with readers and audio processors. Another way to help is by actively sharing our readings with others, ratings and reviews on your podcast service and sharing youtube videos and this blogs posts. If you wish to read or help out with audio clean up, shoot us an e-mail at saying hello. If you wish to read for us it helps to have a text (eg, Modern Science and Anarchism) or an author eg. Emma Goldman, or a topic eg. Prison Abolition, in mind you’d like to work on.


